Weltwärts konferencija u Nadbiskupijskom centru za pastoral mladih “Ivan Pavao II”

(English version below)

U periodu od 03. do 07. listopada u Nadbiskupijskom centru za pastoral mladih „Ivan Pavao II“ održana je partnerska konferencija u sklopu programa za slanje i primanje volontera weltwärts. Konferencija je podržana od strane Ministarstva za gospodarsku suradnju i razvoj Republike Njemačke, te organizirana od strane Initiative Christen für Europa e.V. i Nadbiskupijskog centra za pastoral mladih „Ivan Pavao II“.

Konferencija je održana s glavnim ciljem: stupiti u kontakt s partnerskim organizacijama iz Jugoistočne Europe koje djeluju u sklopu programa weltwärts. Stoga je na konferenciji bilo zastupljeno 5 zemalja: Albanija, Srbija, Sjeverna Makedonija, Njemačka i Bosna i Hercegovina.

Nakon uvodnih riječi organizatora, ponedjeljak je bio rezerviran i za prvog gosta, gospodina Svena Petke iz Fondacije „Konrad Adenauer“, koji je sudionicima dao uvid u rad fondacije „Konrad Adenauer“ na području BiH. Drugi dan konferencije započeo je prezentacijom o weltwärts programu, u sklopu koje su sudionici mogli saznati o promjenama u programu i dosadašnjim rezultatima. Također, prisutne organizacije imale su priliku predstaviti svoj rad i djelovanje. Tijekom trajanja konferencije održane su brojne prezentacije i radionice, koje su uključivale teme poput volonterizma, izgradnje mira, prevencije ovisnosti ali i povijesti i političke situacije u Bosni i Hercegovini.

U sklopu konferencije u posjeti je bio i gospodin Daniel Stinsky iz Veleposlanstva Savezne Republike Njemačke u BiH te gospodin Christian Schmidt, Visoki predstavnik u BiH. Prilikom posjeta gosti predavači su se osvrnuli na povijesno-političku situaciju u BiH i na Balkanu te stanje u Jugoistočnoj Europi.

S obzirom na to da je konferencija bila međunarodnog karaktera i da su mnogi sudionici po prvi put bili u posjeti Sarajevu, treći dan konferencije, 05. listopada je iskorišten za upoznavanje grada, a sudionici su imali priliku posjetiti organizaciju Narko-Ne, koja je također aktivna u weltwärts programu, Muzej ratnog djetinjstva te vjerske objekte. Predzadnji dan konferencije bio je rezerviran za radionice koje su pripremili sudionici, te primjere dobre prakse, a vrhunac tjedna bila je kulturno-glazbena večer, tijekom koje je svaka zemlja pripremila tradicionalnu hranu i predstavila svoju kulturnu baštinu pjesmom ili plesom.

Konferencija je sljedeći dan završena evaluacijom tjedna i dodjelom certifikata.

Podsjećamo, weltwärts je njemački program za slanje i primanje volontera, a u ovom programu aktivan je i Nadbiskupijski centar za pastoral mladih „Ivan Pavao II“.


In the first week of october a partner conference was held as part of the weltwärts program for sending and receiving volunteers at the Archdiocesan Center for Youth Pastoral Care “John Paul II”. The conference is supported by the The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and organized by Initiative Christen für Europa e.V. and the Archdiocesan Center for Youth Pastoral Care “John Paul II”.

The conference took place from the 3rd until the 7th of October with the main goal: getting in touch with partner organisations from Southeast Europe that are active within the weltwärts program. Therefore, 5 countries were represented: Albania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

After the introductory words and warm welcome of the organizers, Monday was also reserved for the first guest, Mr. Sven Petke from the “Konrad Adenauer” Foundation, who gave the participants an insight into the work of the “Konrad Adenauer” Foundation in BiH. The second day of the conference started with a presentation on the weltwärts program, during which the participants could learn about the changes in the program and the results so far and with the participants presenting themselves and their organisations to each other by having a „gallery walk“.  Throughout the week many presentations and workshops were held which included topics such as volunteerism, peace building, addiction prevention, but also the history and political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As part of the conference, Mr. Daniel Stinsky from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in BiH and Mr. Christian Schmidt, High Representative in BiH, were also the guests of the conference. During the visit, the guest lecturers referred to the historical and political situation in BiH and the Balkans in order to better explain the situation in Southeastern Europe to the participants of the conference.

Given that the conference was international and that many participants were visiting Sarajevo for the first time, Wednesday was used to discover the city. Participants had the opportunity to visit the organization Narko-Ne, a weltwärts partner organisation here in Sarajevo, the War Childhood museum and Interreligious encounters.

Thursday was reserved for workshops prepared by the participants, and examples of good practice, and the highlight of the week was the cultural music night and every country prepared traditional food and presented their heritage by singing or dancing.

The conference ended the following day with evaluating the week and receiving certificates, but for the one or the other also with gaining future colleagues and new friends.

Weltwärts is a German program for sending and receiving volunteers, and the Archdiocesan Center for Youth Pastoral Care “John Paul II” is also active in this program and  exchange. Currently we have one volunteer from Germany who is part of weltwärts program. 

Svea Petersen